Frequently Asked Questions About Organic Fertilizer

As more families become conscious of the need for environmentally friendly products, organic lawn care has become more popular. This is a good thing; organic fertilizer offers important nutrients for landscaping without exposing the soil and groundwater to man-made chemicals.

Along with this surge in interest have come many questions about natural fertilizer and the companies that apply it. This article can answer your questions and help you choose a trustworthy lawn care company.

What Are the Specific Ingredients in Organic Fertilizer?

Like other lawn care products, organic fertilizers don’t have a specific list of required ingredients. There are several types of natural ingredients frequently used, including animal manure and plant waste.

When looking for a lawn care company that promotes eco-friendly products, make sure to ask about the ingredients in the fertilizer used. Some companies try to save money with things such as bones, meat or oils. These ingredients can hurt the grass or slow growth, so don’t allow them to be used in your yard.

What Nutrients Does Organic Fertilizer Provide?

Organic blends offer important nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. They also contain microorganisms, tiny bacteria that are healthy for plants and soil.

The specific nutrients depend on the formulation used in the product. These can vary depending on where the fertilizer is going to be used. For example, the nutritional needs of garden plants are different than those of grass or trees. Even some types of grasses need a certain nutritional profile.

A knowledgeable lawn care professional knows all about the nutritional needs of different types of grass and landscaping. You want to make sure your yard is in experienced hands.

How Much Do Organic Fertilizers Cost?

There is a wide price range for organic products. These often cost more than chemical fertilizers, but they add positive bacteria to the soil, which is good for your yard. Resist the temptation to go with the cheapest products. Focus on what meets your lawn’s nutritional needs the best.